We are kicking the new year off strong with an updated version of our website and efforts to reach and support even more companies that are looking for HR help.
Did you know this Dutch saying?
We sincerely hope that you had a wonderful turn of the year, and wish that your new year will be full of amazing experiences as well. Surely the world won’t instantly stop being in turmoil because 2022 has arrived, but we have a saying in the Netherlands that goes like this: “Nieuwe ronde, nieuwe kansen!” It literally translates to new round, new chances – a fresh start with new opportunities, if you will. Optimism! Our new start comes in the shape of an updated website, which you are visiting right now. While our core values remain the same, we have been busy thinking of new solutions for companies that are seeking HR help. Continue reading to learn more about them!
HRhelp Solution: HR Reset
This solution is for companies that are looking to overcome HR challenges within their organization. We offer a full HR Reset. With our combined expertise we are able to completely reset & reorganize a company’s HR strategy and HR operations. We do this in such a way that both will correspond with the latest market developments, as well as with business priorities. We execute by taking an innovative approach while combining our years of strategic and operational experience. Once we have reset a company’s HR strategy and HR operations, they will be future proof!
HRhelp Solution: HR Settlers
This solution is for the entrepreneurs that are considering to start a business in the Netherlands – or to move their business here. Together with our network of experts we can help them make an excellent start, and by doing so, save them from many challenging situations down the line. Executing HR in the Netherlands is the area in which we excel. We know everything when it comes down to HR – from the legal obligations that a company in NL is required to meet, to how common policies should be established. We also have outstanding partners when it comes to (international) payrolling and insurances!
HRhelp Solution: HR Teams
This is the perfect solution for companies who are looking for an expert in everything HR-related – without the complications and costs of hiring someone for each separate task. We offer full-service HR with a single point of contact for a fixed fee agreement. Thanks to our network, system and people we have the capability to answer each and every HR-related inquiry. Companies can simply let us know which type of HR-knowledge they require, how often they need us, and for which period of time – and we will hand them our “Swiss Army Knife of HR” to make it happen!
HRhelp Solution: HR S.O.S.
As the name implies, this solution is for companies that are all of a sudden affected by a HR-related situation. One that needs to be taken care of as soon as possible. We come to the rescue RIGHT AWAY! By utilizing our in-house experts and our network, we are ready to solve each and every inquiry on the entire HR-spectrum. Contact us now and we will have a hand-picked team of HR-experts ready as quick as tomorrow. This is crisis management at its finest. We make sure that business can continue as usual ASAP. That’s a promise!
Would you like to know more about the solutions that we offer? Please feel free to contact us via info@hrhelp.nl – without any obligations. We are also ready to help if you need any type of HR advice.
Michael Thurkow
+31 (0)6 536 006 76
Cornelis Leerlooijer
+31 (0)6 556 947 10
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