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HR Settlers Helps International Companies Settle Down Across Borders

One of the solutions that we – HRhelp – offer is called ‘HR Settlers’. It’s the perfect solution for companies that are moving to (or have recently moved to) one of the following countries: the Netherlands, France, Germany or the United Kingdom. The idea is that we can help you set up everything that’s related to Human Resources while you’re settling down in your new location – which always has its own rules and regulations. If you need someone to show you the ropes of the new playing field you’re operating in: HRhelp is your partner!

One single point of contact for all your answers

We came up with our HR Settlers solution after noticing a recurring wish among companies that were moving abroad: a single point of contact for all HR matters. Having worked for multiple international companies in the past, Cornelis Leerlooijer – one of the HRhelp founders – concluded that most of them needed HR support for similar topics, such as policies and salary administration, after settling in – or while moving to – a new country. To find answers the companies usually knocked on the doors of local accountants or law firms, with high costs and only partly answered questions as the result.

We know more by working together

HR Settlers takes care of this problem by bundling the knowledge of different experts together, while still providing the client with a single point of contact. We have built up our network over the course of many years in the field and that’s what makes our solution possible. We keep close ties with the experts in our network because we firmly believe that you can’t be the best at everything. That’s why we bring people with different disciplines together: from payrolling to insurances and from legal advice to working conditions. Together we know more!

Here's an example to give you an idea

To give you an example of a HR Settlers use case: while writing this blog we are working with a company from China that has been active in the Dutch market for about 1,5 years. They are looking to take things to the next level, and want to professionalize their HR department in accordance with their growth. Up until this point they only had basic contracts and a simple payrolling system set up – but we are helping them to implement a more advanced HR administration, new and improved policies, and to become a recognized sponsor to foreign nationals.

Would you like to know more?

In case you would like to know more about our HR Settlers solution, please contact us via the form on our homepage – or simply give us a call for some free advice! We are at your service.

Michael Thurkow

+31 (0)6 536 006 76

Cornelis Leerlooijer

+31 (0)6 556 947 10

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